NYC Homebrewers Guild
est 1988
Celebrating 35 years of excellence in homebrewing in New York City!
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, November 19th at 7:30 at Burp Castle!
Those interested in more involvement with the Guild are invited to the monthly Steering Committee meeting at 7:00 at Proletariat. We hope to see you there!
We are a New York City based group of Homebrewing Enthusiasts celebrating 35 years of fermentation in NYC!
Do you live in NYC? Do you love practicing the age old art of brewing beer at home? Do you stay up at night trying to figure out how to fit just one more fermenter in your tiny NYC apartment? Do you just enjoy drinking beer? If so, see our Join Us! section for details on how to be part of the Guild.
The New York City Homebrewer’s Guild is the 2023 Gambrinus Club Award winner!
NYCHG was recognized at the 2023 HomebrewCon for winning the Gambrinus Club Award. This award recognizes the club with the most final-round points per total club entris in the National Homebrewer’s Competition. Check out our July 2023 meeting recap for more info.
Want to learn more? Join us at our monthly meetings. We meet on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm at Burp Castle in the East Village. All are welcome.
Competitions & Events
We meet monthly, host homebrewing competitions and other great beer based events. Check out our Events page and our calendar for future happenings.
35 Anniversary Party with Fifth Hammer Brewing
Join us on November 12! Interested in brewing for the party? Wort share on September 10. See the Calendar for more info.
The Brewnity Picnic
Homebrew Alley
Located in NYC, New York
We meet monthly at Burp Castle in lower Manhattan, and plan & host other meetups and events in and around the city. Check out the calendar on the Events page to see what meetings are upcoming!
Interested in exhibiting or teaching? Let us know and a club officer will reach out.