January 2024 recap and updates

Thanks for attending this month's meeting co-hosted with the Brewminaries! I hope you had fun, learned something, and maybe even made some new homebrew friends. I'd love to get your feedback on a few things:

1. Did you like doing events with another club? Should we do joint events more often?

2. If yes, what events would you like?

Our February meeting will return to Burp Castle on our usual date and time: Tuesday, February 20 at 7:30pm. We are excited to welcome Mike Kulha, head brewer at Sound & Fury Brewing in Brooklyn. If you have a chance, check out their food and beer at 141 Lawrence St in Brooklyn!

Thank you for voting in our elections. The by-laws amendment to remove the position of secretary was passed and all officers were unanimously elected. I look forward to serving as your President with Andrew Katzman as Vice President and Andie Davies as Treasurer.

Other items:

Homebrew Alley is coming!

BJCP Judging Class is starting soon! Contact Katie Sloan (katie.sloan0208@gmail.com) for details.

The Brewnity summer picnic will be July 20. Contact Joshua Cotton if you want room at the camp site.

Forever Homebrew, an event benefiting Holes in the Wall Collective's Imagined Futures Fund to support New Yorkers working to Change the Climate will be on February 4 from 12:00-3:00pm. Tickets available at  https://foreverhomebrew2024.bpt.me. There are also limited slots available if you'd like to serve your homebrew, details at the SIGN UP page.




Code of conduct proposal (June 2024)


July 2023 meeting recap